Happy Labor Day to the Kingdom Laborers By Dagne Barton
1 Timothy 4:10 For to this end we labor and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of them that believe.
In this scripture Paul is encouraging Timothy and other ministers of the gospel. This whole section of scripture (vs 1-10) is telling them to stick with the basics of spiritual disciplines. He lets them know from his own perspective this is not an easy life. But to continue to LABOR AND STRIVE in the hopes that all men be saved. In such an endeavor OUR HOPE is in the living God. He is the one who we r laboring for and that's who gets the glory.
Likewise on this Labor Day I want to encourage all the kingdom laborers. Those in fullTime ministry at a church. Those in full time ministry in their homes and community. Those in full time ministry at their jobs in the marketplace. Those in full time ministry of reconciliation wherever they go.
None of us are part time. This is a full time waking hours position. As we LABOR AND STRIVE each day to make the true and living God shine in and through our lives his rest is our labor unions. As full time kingdom laborers our bonus and raise comes in the form of rest with him being a burden bearer for the heavy laden of kingdom work. This job is better than "your good government job" because it has benefits of FAVOR. As a kingdom laborer when I need to call in sick the true and living God is there to heal me from all my diseases. At the "company picnic" when we hear the annual report no matter what kind of year we had the Lord is working things together for our good. When we have our board meetings with a kingdom agenda he is there in the midst of us.
So to all of u who r taking the day off remember that WE HAVE A HOPE in God and HE is giving us rest.
Be blessed. Be a blessing.
Happy Labor Day!