Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Angels were expected to bring judgement in the biblical times. Most of them had to lead with fear not because if I am seeing a Michael or Gabriel then something is wrong!
Christians today r also sometimes seen as bringing judgment when they come. Some of our statements in the marketplace show intolerance and judgement. Some of our actions with even family is judgmental in nature instead of loving in nature. Not so with Jesus. He himself is the embodiment of love and whenever he comes into a situation it is to bring his fullness of joy.
Let us use this time of the year to bring only tidings of great joy. That's why Jesus came and therefore that's why we should come! God showed me this today in my quiet time. I will be intentional about bringing only tidings of great joy to my family, my friends and those who I am lead to cross paths with this season. Bring glad tidings today. Bring encouragement and not judgment. Bring peace and not protest. Bring manna and not hardship. Bring grace and not attitude. Bring Jesus to the party not ur famous casserole. Smile.
That's what I heard. Be blessed and be a blessing. Repost from 2016 blog