I love this scene on Driving Miss Daisy when she teaches him how to read the headstone Bauer. She taught him it starts with B and ends with R. Hoke says “is that it? So we ain’t gonna worry about the middle huh?” She said that’s all you need to know for now. And with just that he found the headstone. Two observations:
1. Because Jesus is the alpha and omega...the beginning and the end we don’t have to “worry about the middle”. He is the author and FINISHER of my faith so he has the middle all figured out.
2. Sometimes u only get a little bit of info to move out on faith with. Just being able to hear the voice of the one who knows the end from the beginning you can have an assurance that when u get to next step he will be right there to give further instruction. As we continue to act by the spirit we become more confident and like Hoke you didn’t even know u could read until u did.
That’s all! Be blessed and walk by faith and not by sight!